Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.

Farsi translation

Afford Translations and Interpreting Ltd. has been providing high-quality translations since 2004 at favorable prices for business, technical, medical, and private purposes to corporations, organizations, international language service providers, and individuals. As well as an excellent value for the money, the office is characterized by experienced translators and interpreters, appropriate technical background supporting translation, and customer focus.

Farsi translator / Farsi technical translation / Farsi technical translator / Farsi interpreter

Facts about the Farsi language:

The Persian language (also known as Farsi language) belongs to the Iranian languages group of the Indo-European languages’ Indo-Iranian branch. We differentiate between the Old Persian, Middle Persian (Pahlavi) and New Persian languages. Today’s modern Persian evolved from a Middle Persian dialect.

The New Persian in Iran (formerly:Persia) is spoken by nearly 70 million people. As a result of the Arab conquest in the 7th century A.D. (CE), many Arabic words have been introduced. Further geographically distinct versions of the New Persian are Tajik that uses Cyrillic letters and Dari spoken in Afghanistan.

Today's Persian is written using Arabic letters, a slightly modified version of the Arabic alphabet (more letters than classical Arabic, and also with a different pronunciation).


What we offer: Farsi translation, Farsi technical translation, Farsi native-language proofreading, Farsi technical proofreading, Farsi official translation, Farsi interpreting – Request a quote, or order Farsi translation, or Farsi interpreting!

Ők is minket választottak

Our customers operate in a wide variety of areas, including a very versatile range of topics and projects for which we must produce high-quality translations in English or other languages. In this case, it’s reassuring that we work with a translation agency perfectly able to meet the special requirements of a job, regardless the use of specialized terminology, complicated text format retention, or a short deadline. For us, Afford represents a point of certainty in our operation.

ACTION HELLER Consulting Kft.

2018 óta tartó együttműködésünk alatt az Afford körülbelül 230 ezer szót fordított le nekünk 16 különböző nyelvre. Többek között finnre, svédre és bolgárra fordítják brosúráinkat, a termékeink használati utasításait, valamint egyéb marketing anyagainkat. Vevőközpontú szemléletünk miatt fontosnak tartjuk, hogy prémium minőségű árukínálatunk megjelenéseit Európa szerte az adott célországban élő, a célnyelven anyanyelvi fordítók készítsék.

Az Afford nagymértékben segíti a külföldi értékesítési tevékenységünket, mert az általuk készített igényes, jó minőségű fordításokkal a nyugat-európai, valamint a skandináv partnereink is elégedettek. Egyértelműen kulcsszerepet játszanak a külföldi terjeszkedésünkben. Rugalmasságuk, átlátható dokumentumkezelésük és folyamatos tájékoztatásuk egy adott projekt alakulásáról nagyban elősegíti a közös munkánkat.

Tepliczky Péter

Marketing projektvezető

Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

Abacus Medicine is an ever-growing company with a social goal of providing life-saving medicines to people at a lower price. We only work with qualified, reliable suppliers and strive for long-term partnerships to keep our purpose. We have been cooperating with Afford for 5 years now, we regularly order translations.
As our commercial, networking and knowledge transfer activities become more intense across Europe, we are already translating our leaflets into German and English from 16 different languages (such as Portuguese, Dutch and Lithuanian) with the Afford team.

Our goal is to work with a translation agency that can consistently provide good quality, paying attention to the correct use of pharmaceutical terminology that is very important to us. They have never disappointed us before!

Szente László

Regulatory Affairs Manager


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