Experienced, professional interpreters, modern interpreting and conference technology. Full service for meetings large and small in more languages.
Afford Translations and Interpreting provides all types of interpreting and related technical backgrounds as well.
Interpretation types:
With Accompanying Interpretation, the audience of a program or series of programs is accompanied by an interpreter, either in case of simultaneous or following interpreting. This is generally practiced when receiving a business delegation, for a plant visit, or in connection with leisure activities.
Important: a native-language interpreter is not enough! It greatly improves the interpretation quality when background materials are prepared in advance. If you can provide this for your task, then send it to our interpretation office.
Afford’s commitment to confidentiality applies to background material for interpretation as well. Read more about this in our General Terms and Conditions.
Aside from interpreters, the technical interpretation equipment required for conferences and events is also provided. These are the standard soundproof interpreter’s booth, interpreter’s desk, interpreting machines and sound system. We can provide simultaneous interpreting in multiple languages, including the personnel and technical equipment. We also provide complete conference technology, from sound systems to presentation devices.
Conference equipment, Interpreting equipment, Interpreter’s booths, Interpretation machines – Request a quote!
2018 óta tartó együttműködésünk alatt az Afford körülbelül 230 ezer szót fordított le nekünk 16 különböző nyelvre. Többek között finnre, svédre és bolgárra fordítják brosúráinkat, a termékeink használati utasításait, valamint egyéb marketing anyagainkat. Vevőközpontú szemléletünk miatt fontosnak tartjuk, hogy prémium minőségű árukínálatunk megjelenéseit Európa szerte az adott célországban élő, a célnyelven anyanyelvi fordítók készítsék.
Az Afford nagymértékben segíti a külföldi értékesítési tevékenységünket, mert az általuk készített igényes, jó minőségű fordításokkal a nyugat-európai, valamint a skandináv partnereink is elégedettek. Egyértelműen kulcsszerepet játszanak a külföldi terjeszkedésünkben. Rugalmasságuk, átlátható dokumentumkezelésük és folyamatos tájékoztatásuk egy adott projekt alakulásáról nagyban elősegíti a közös munkánkat.
Tepliczky Péter
Marketing projektvezető
For many years now, whenever we hit a capacity bottleneck, espell has turned to Afford's services. As a budget translation company specifically geared to meet MLV needs, they are reliable and easy to work with (a combination rarely found among the multitude of SLV's). What makes them a favourite of our project managers is that they know Afford's staff understand exactly what we want and what we want to avoid. To this day, after jointly implementing over a hundred projects, they have never failed us.
As a company listed on the stock exchange, NordTelekom’s written materials are expected to radiate sophistication, whether they are financial statements, contracts, or even simply marketing texts. Afford has been the reliable partner we can count on in any situation. This is particularly important now, as our constant expansion in England requires English, Polish and Hungarian language services. I highly recommend them.
The consecutive or following method is used for conference interpretation, lectures, and larger presentations. In these cases, the speaker will tell a linked unit that the interpreter summarizes in sections.
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The interpreter speaks
at the same time, in parallel with the speaker. Simultaneous or synchronous
interpreting is an excellent solution in the case of conferences and larger
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We provide the
technical interpretation equipment required for conferences and events. These
are the standard soundproof interpreter’s booth, interpreter’s desk,
interpreting machines and sound system. We can provide simultaneous
interpreting in multiple languages, including the personnel and technical
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