Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.

Italian translation

Afford Translations and Interpreting Ltd. has been providing high-quality translations since 2004 at favorable prices for business, technical, medical, and private purposes to corporations, organizations, international language service providers, and individuals. As well as an excellent value for the money, the office is characterized by experienced translators and interpreters, appropriate technical background supporting translation, and customer focus.

Italian translator / Italian technical translation / Italian technical translator / Italian interpreter

Facts about the Italian language:

  • Italian is spoken as a native language by 73 million people. The number of non-native speakers of Italian had seen a decline in recent years, but is again on the rise: 70 million people are estimated to speak it.
  • Italian dialectology is one of the richest areas of Romance linguistics. In Italian territory, a variety (according to some estimates, about 200) Romance dialects and sub-dialects are used. These Italian dialects (dialetti italiani) differ from north to south greatly, such that two distant speakers will not understand each other: so a standard Italian language must be used by in order to understand one another (Italian vernacular).
  • The written Italian language is based on the dialect groups of central Italy, especially those related to the medieval Tuscan dialect. However, other central Italian dialects, such as the Roman dialect, have had a great impact on today’s standard Italian that emerged from the above.
  • Official language of the European Union.


What we offer: Italian translation, Italian technical translation, Italian native-language proofreading, Italian technical proofreading, Italian official translation, Italian interpreting – Request a quote, or order Italian translation, or Italian interpreting!

Ők is minket választottak

For many years now, whenever we hit a capacity bottleneck, espell has turned to Afford's services. As a budget translation company specifically geared to meet MLV needs, they are reliable and easy to work with (a combination rarely found among the multitude of SLV's). What makes them a favourite of our project managers is that they know Afford's staff understand exactly what we want and what we want to avoid. To this day, after jointly implementing over a hundred projects, they have never failed us.

Miklós Bán, CEO


The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Central Europe, has had a contractual relationship with Afford since 2009. Generally, we request the translation of complicated legal texts, often with very short deadlines. We always get quality work that holds our long-standing working relationship together. We especially appreciate the high degree of flexibility, customer orientation and personalized, custom administration, as well as the confidential treatment of materials sent. It is important that we can always count on Afford. Moreover, Afford is open to criticism and suggestions for improvement, and requests these, because they are progress-oriented.

Department head responsible for Representation in Hungary


2018 óta tartó együttműködésünk alatt az Afford körülbelül 230 ezer szót fordított le nekünk 16 különböző nyelvre. Többek között finnre, svédre és bolgárra fordítják brosúráinkat, a termékeink használati utasításait, valamint egyéb marketing anyagainkat. Vevőközpontú szemléletünk miatt fontosnak tartjuk, hogy prémium minőségű árukínálatunk megjelenéseit Európa szerte az adott célországban élő, a célnyelven anyanyelvi fordítók készítsék.

Az Afford nagymértékben segíti a külföldi értékesítési tevékenységünket, mert az általuk készített igényes, jó minőségű fordításokkal a nyugat-európai, valamint a skandináv partnereink is elégedettek. Egyértelműen kulcsszerepet játszanak a külföldi terjeszkedésünkben. Rugalmasságuk, átlátható dokumentumkezelésük és folyamatos tájékoztatásuk egy adott projekt alakulásáról nagyban elősegíti a közös munkánkat.

Tepliczky Péter

Marketing projektvezető

Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

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