Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.


Afford Translations and Interpreting Ltd. has been providing high-quality translations since 2004 at favorable prices for business, technical, medical, and private purposes to corporations, organizations, international language service providers, and individuals. As well as an excellent value for the money, the office is characterized by experienced translators and interpreters, appropriate technical background supporting translation, and customer focus.


From our market research, we know that Afford is an affordable translation agency.

Our goal in founding Afford was to create a reliable, competent, technically proficient and, as our name implies, affordable, inexpensive translation company. Our prices and services are regularly compared to our competitors’ to achieve that original goal. Our prices are always lower than those of the vast majority of our competitors, regularly falling into the bottom third. When our in-house technical preparedness, translation capacity, extensive knowledge and use of translation software (CAT tools), and extensive applied knowledge and capabilities in layout check and DTP are taken into account, Afford clearly provides one of the best values for money among translation agencies.

In terms of pricing, our translation services can be divided into four categories:

  • Proofreading / language control – Single-language (monolingual) review and editing of the material. In the case of multilingual material, review and editing based on the translation of the source text.
  • T-only, Translation only (raw translation) – An expert will translate from the source to the desired target language.
  • Translation + Editing= T-only + Editing by independent experts.
  • Press-Ready Translation = T-only + Editing + QA (quality assurance), that is, completeness check, stylistic review, correction, mother-tongue (native language) proofreading, and technical and secondary proofreading if necessary.

Placing an order knowing the exact fee

Our accounting is based on the number of words to be translated from the source language. It is transparent, and a good measure of the work to be performed.

We offer accurate advance pricing in light of the specific task. The price depends on many factors, including the source language, the target language, the deadline, requirement of editing or expert review, the potential goal of the text, DTP requests, and certification demands. For submitted texts that receive a quotation, our commitment to confidentiality applies.

The service fee may be reduced if assisting software (CAT tools) may be used during translation; for example, in case parts of the text or the whole text consists of repetitive parts, or we have already translated something similar. Aside from repetitions providing a reduced price, quality is also improved by ensuring coherence and consistency.

The price may be further reduced if we also create a list of expressions (terminology database) of regularly used terms for the client. These may include technical terms or even names of job positions. And actually anything that occurs regularly for which a common phrase is used.

Similar to our translation fees, we offer accurate advance pricing for projects involving interpreting tasks in light of the specific task.

Request an accurate quote for translation or interpretation!

Ők is minket választottak

For many years now, whenever we hit a capacity bottleneck, espell has turned to Afford's services. As a budget translation company specifically geared to meet MLV needs, they are reliable and easy to work with (a combination rarely found among the multitude of SLV's). What makes them a favourite of our project managers is that they know Afford's staff understand exactly what we want and what we want to avoid. To this day, after jointly implementing over a hundred projects, they have never failed us.

Miklós Bán, CEO


Wir blicken mittlerweile auf über zehn Jahre Zusammenarbeit mit Afford zurück, die von gegenseitigem Vertrauen geprägt ist.

Vielen Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit in all den Jahren. Wir freuen uns auf das nächste Jahrzehnt mit Afford.

EnssnerZeitgeist Translations GmbH

2018 óta tartó együttműködésünk alatt az Afford körülbelül 230 ezer szót fordított le nekünk 16 különböző nyelvre. Többek között finnre, svédre és bolgárra fordítják brosúráinkat, a termékeink használati utasításait, valamint egyéb marketing anyagainkat. Vevőközpontú szemléletünk miatt fontosnak tartjuk, hogy prémium minőségű árukínálatunk megjelenéseit Európa szerte az adott célországban élő, a célnyelven anyanyelvi fordítók készítsék.

Az Afford nagymértékben segíti a külföldi értékesítési tevékenységünket, mert az általuk készített igényes, jó minőségű fordításokkal a nyugat-európai, valamint a skandináv partnereink is elégedettek. Egyértelműen kulcsszerepet játszanak a külföldi terjeszkedésünkben. Rugalmasságuk, átlátható dokumentumkezelésük és folyamatos tájékoztatásuk egy adott projekt alakulásáról nagyban elősegíti a közös munkánkat.

Tepliczky Péter

Marketing projektvezető

Wellis Magyarország Zrt.

Milyen fordításokat vállalunk?

  • Software
  • Websites
  • Mobile apps
  • Documents
  • Marketing materials
  • E-learning & Training
  • Multimedia
  • Consulting


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