Our customers operate in a wide variety of areas, including a very versatile range of topics and projects for which we must produce high-quality translations in English or other languages. In this case, it’s reassuring that we work with a translation agency perfectly able to meet the special requirements of a job, regardless the use of specialized terminology, complicated text format retention, or a short deadline. For us, Afford represents a point of certainty in our operation.
For many years now, whenever we hit a capacity bottleneck, espell has turned to Afford's services. As a budget translation company specifically geared to meet MLV needs, they are reliable and easy to work with (a combination rarely found among the multitude of SLV's). What makes them a favourite of our project managers is that they know Afford's staff understand exactly what we want and what we want to avoid. To this day, after jointly implementing over a hundred projects, they have never failed us.
As a company listed on the stock exchange, NordTelekom’s written materials are expected to radiate sophistication, whether they are financial statements, contracts, or even simply marketing texts. Afford has been the reliable partner we can count on in any situation. This is particularly important now, as our constant expansion in England requires English, Polish and Hungarian language services. I highly recommend them.