Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.

Interpreting equipment, conference equipment

Afford Translations and Interpreting Ltd. has been providing high-quality translations since 2004 at favorable prices for business, technical, medical, and private purposes to corporations, organizations, international language service providers, and individuals. As well as an excellent value for the money, the office is characterized by experienced translators and interpreters, appropriate technical background supporting translation, and customer focus.

Conference equipment / Interpreting equipment / Interpreter’s booths / Interpretation machines

We provide the technical interpretation equipment required for conferences and events. These are the standard soundproof interpreter’s booth, interpreter’s desk, interpreting machines and sound system. We can provide simultaneous interpreting in multiple languages, including the personnel and technical equipment. We also provide complete conference technology, from sound systems to presentation devices.

Of course, we offer qualified, experienced interpreters alongside the equipment.

Request a quote for interpreting equipment, conference equipment, or interpreting!

Ők is minket választottak

Wir blicken mittlerweile auf über zehn Jahre Zusammenarbeit mit Afford zurück, die von gegenseitigem Vertrauen geprägt ist.

Vielen Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit in all den Jahren. Wir freuen uns auf das nächste Jahrzehnt mit Afford.

EnssnerZeitgeist Translations GmbH

As a company listed on the stock exchange, NordTelekom’s written materials are expected to radiate sophistication, whether they are financial statements, contracts, or even simply marketing texts. Afford has been the reliable partner we can count on in any situation. This is particularly important now, as our constant expansion in England requires English, Polish and Hungarian language services. I highly recommend them.

Géza Földesi, Board Member

NordTelekom Nyrt.

Our customers operate in a wide variety of areas, including a very versatile range of topics and projects for which we must produce high-quality translations in English or other languages. In this case, it’s reassuring that we work with a translation agency perfectly able to meet the special requirements of a job, regardless the use of specialized terminology, complicated text format retention, or a short deadline. For us, Afford represents a point of certainty in our operation.

ACTION HELLER Consulting Kft.

Milyen fordításokat vállalunk?

  • Software
  • Websites
  • Mobile apps
  • Documents
  • Marketing materials
  • E-learning & Training
  • Multimedia
  • Consulting


Our customers